Holidays at river Mosel and river Rhein in Germany in fall 1990.
In 1990 we may a two weeks long tour along the river Mosel and a part of river Rhine in central Germany. In the valley of the rivers Rhine and Mosel and in the surrounding areas the main attraction in fall is the vintage. We visited this region to taste wine and drink the fermented grape juice called "Federweisser".
After the trip from Hamburg to river Rhine (about 500 km) the frist check of the engine was necessary because it consumes a lot of oil, therfore we had to check the oil level every morning. Not all of the oil has been transformed into blue smoke, there where also a lot of small leakages where oil got lost.
A short watch, is all OK or did the chaos increase ??
The oil level indicator only can be reached from inside of the driver's cab. This makes the check of the oil level not as easy as it could.
A picknick in the vineyard near Bingen. The villages in the background called Aspisheim and many of my ancestors lived here. On the cementery of this little village a lot of tombs from dead Luff's can be found.
An finally a nice picture of the co-driver. She managed a nice round-trip through Bonn on her search for a parking, large enough for the car and her dirving scills, but she did a great job.
Alltogether we did this trip twice, not all tours are held on pictures, but we did in summer 1995 an other well documented trip to Römö, a nice little island at the south west coast of Danmark.